Estimated shipping price
- Varies depending on country/items
- Rates provided during checkout
- Items ship within 2–7 business days
Estimated shipping time
10–20 business days, depending on the order address and product fulfillment.
Customs fees
Shipments outside Canada may incur customs fees, depending on your country of residence. The cost may vary depending on your order value, country limits, and other factors.
Items and products in extended sizes may also incur duty and custom fees as products are typically outsourced and fulfilled in the United States and other countries. While we try to offer products that are only fulfilled and shipped in Canada we cannot guarantee the changes our fulfillment partner makes to meet your needs.
Estimated shipping price
- Varies depending on country/items
- Rates provided during checkout
- Items ship within 2–7 business days
Estimated shipping time
10–20 business days, depending on the order address and product fulfillment.
Customs fees
Shipments outside Canada may incur customs fees, depending on your country of residence. The cost may vary depending on your order value, country limits, and other factors.
Items and products in extended sizes may also incur duty and custom fees as products are typically outsourced and fulfilled in the United States and other countries. While we try to offer products that are only fulfilled and shipped in Canada we cannot guarantee the changes our fulfillment partner makes to meet your needs.